Another fun question--where are you on the classic vs. trendy scale? I'm arbitrarity assigning 1 to classic and 10 to trendy (no value judgement on the numbers). One is if you primarily like classic cuts and items and wait to adopt trends until they become fairly classic pieces that look like they will survive the test of time. Ten is if you are an early adopter and love trying out the latest trends. Five is if you equally love classic and trendy pieces and have them in equal amounts in your wardrobe.

I know there can be some negative associations with both words (ie classic=conservative or boring, trendy=fashion victim) but I think both can be equally stylish and I want to know where you stand. And does your personality fit with where you are on the fashion scale?

I am not sure where I stand, but I am guessing a 8! I am much more of a risk taker (lately) with fashion than I am in real life!