Hi, Ladies.

Yesterday, I spent a very enjoyable few hours gift-buying with my younger daughter. DD loves to put together very personal, themed packages, which she wraps and presents beautifully. Her gifts are a joy to receive.
I, on the other hand, have a much more practical approach, preferring to know exactly what the recipient would like. Gift registries are a godsend for me since I can be sure that my gift will be liked and used.
For teenagers and young adults I tend to give cash or a gift card, as their tastes can be very specific (I usually add a tiny, wrapped gift alongside).
With my husband and daughters, I usually arrange a shopping trip with them so that we can buy something together and also enjoy a celebratory lunch.
I find buying for small children and elderly people the easiest, and for them I use DD's method of just choosing something pretty, quirky or delicious to eat.

Over to you. How do you prefer to gift-shop, and what do you prefer to receive?