I always wear an apron. I'm paralyzed without one! My daily clothes are casual, but if I were wearing something special, I would change, and then put on an apron.

I just wear my usual clothes, though I do put on an apron if I'm preparing something that makes a mess.

I change out of my work clothes when I get home, and I also usually wear an apron to cook. I'm a mess-maker so it comes in handy!!

I just wear whatever I'm wearing. I have a couple aprons but I usually don't bother to pull them out unless I'm making something really involved, canning jam, or doing involved baking, etc.

I am not a person who changes when I get home, but most of my everyday clothes are machine washable so if I get anything on them it's not the end of the world.

Actually, as per the gear discussion, it's important to me to be able to do things in my clothes - both as far as movement goes, and not worrying that I will ruin them. I want to look presentable, but I also want to be able to do things and not just be decorative.