Hi ladies - just wanted to share an experience with you all. Unfortunately it is unlikely that I'll ever get to go shopping with Angie IRL or have her help me makeover my wardrobe. So when I got the opportunity to use the services of a personal stylist at a hugely reduced rate I jumped at the opportunity.
The lovely Beatrice came to visit me this afternoon and we spent 3.5 hours going through my entire wardrobe. It was fantastic. Here's what she helped me with:
- There were a huge number of things that I was hanging on to that I could see were now ready to be let go.
- there were some things that I really loved that need some tailoring and will be good to go
- there were some combinations that I had tried out in my head and in front of a mirror that either got the thumbs up or thumbs down
- she identified a couple of wardrobe gaps that I need to fill and will probably go with her to select e.g. all my wide leg trousers bar 1 pair need to be replaced as they are all too big and can't be taken in any more
- she has encouraged me to try a new trouser silhouette I.e. Slimmer leg - that I still need to purchase
But over all I have been heading in the right direction with all the great advice I have received from all of you.
Here is a link to Beatrice's (very new and still slightly under construction) website for any Auckland based kiwis interested in her services.