I am about to install a change that will enable two new forum categories. Not only are they new, but they will work slightly differently to the existing forum categories.

The new categories are:

  1. Off Topic: For posts that don't have anything to do with fashion and style.
  2. Style Exchange: A place to announce the sale or swap of wardrobe items.


We originally intended the "Other" category to be for topics that were on topic, but didn't fit the other categories. That is, "other fashion and style". Of course, there is also value in truly off topic posts as people share aspects of their lives with the community here. The new "Off Topic" category is for these posts.

To reduce confusion, the old "Other" category has been renamed to "General". Don't be too shy about about posting things here that are not entirely about fashion or style. As long as the topic is related to fashion and style in some way it is welcome in the "General" category.

Although off topics posts will be welcome in the new category, we will still apply the same moderation approach that we've used in the past. I think the only posts we've ever moderated are ones that talked about someone who was not on the forum to defend themselves. But it is entirely possible that someone will find a new kind of post that we're not comfortable hosting here on YLF and if that happens, we'll be in touch.

Please note that your posts in this category, like posts in any other, are open to the Internet. So the normal words of caution apply.


This is the category we promised to create so that members can announce the selling and swapping of items. We are not providing any infrastructure for payments or anything like that, so you will still need to work out the commercial aspects using eBay, Paypal or some other service. YLF takes no responsibility for transactions that are initiated through this forum category.

Note that the Off Topic and Style Exchange categories are different in two ways:

  1. Their posts do not appear in the main "Latest" list on the front page page the forum. You have to go to the category page to see the posts.
  2. Only active members can post to these categories. As you know, it takes a very short time to become "active" and this limitation will just serve to discourage spammers and trolls who might have signed up purely to make mischief.

I will enable the new categories at about 5pm PST (i.e. in 5 minutes or so).

As always, we're open to feedback and look forward to hearing what you think about these categories. And if there are any problems, please send email to feedback@youlookfab.com.