Bag packed (room for purchases :)), Passport packed, Online check-in completed, will grab a few hours sleep later, before the airport taxi comes and then watch out Seattle!

Sending wishes for smooth travels to all the YLFers headed to Seattle. Have a great time and happy shopping adventures. Looking forward to living vicariously as updates are posted.

I missed this thread first time around. Useful for all of us attending. I've almost finished planning and packing. Since it's a carry on, lots of neutrals. A pink or blue scarf will have to provide the color. I am so excited!!!!!

Have a great trip, Diane, and see you tomorrow (so amazing that we can say that:-)
Thanks so much, Eliza.
Denise - My Seattle wardrobe capsule consists of neutrals too:-) The scarf sounds brilliant.


Angie, I cannot come to BREAKFAST on Saturday but will be there for LUNCH for sure. Excited to meet everyone!

So exciting--can't wait until you all start posting so that the rest of us can live it vicariously.

Wow, what a spectacular time you all will have! I will admit to some pangs of jealousy, but am so excited for those who will be there! I can't wait to see photos and hear all about the excitement... I know that it will be such a wonderful time.


The perfect excuse to buy new ones in Seattle. Looking forward to seeing you and all the other fabbers.

ETA: Not meaning to sound unsympathetic; encouraging, rather.

LOL, Cerinda. Lemons into lemonade...

just checked in for my flight and am having an out of body "am i really going to do this?!?!?"

then hubs tells me there's a chore wheel waiting if i don't go.

tres excited.

Good thing we're having much milder weather than usual, Mary.

Shelia, thanks for letting me know.

Can't wait to see you, bj1111, Mary and Cerinda.

Thanks for the sweet wishes Ms Maven and Sarah. xo

I am looking forward to the photos and recaps. Have fun!

Can't wait to see you at lunch, Sheila.
Very sweet of you Sarah, MsMaven, and Lisa. Thank you.

Oh oh Mary, deep breaths;-) I love Cerinda's cunning plan!
Bj1111 - i experienced something very similar when I stepped on the plane to Seattle. In fact, I'm still regularly pinching myself, it's just soooooo fantastic.

This is beyond exciting!!-)

Woooohoooo. Diane is flying to Seattle right now, and about three hours away. Inge and I will be meeting up with her this afternoon. The SSIF has officially BEGUN.

WOO HOOO! Getting party ready and headed out of town tonight, but will see you all Sat morning!

Oh my, I can't believe I head out to the airport tomorrow morning after dropping the kiddos at school!

ACK!! I have a ton of things to do and haven't even started my packing. It'll be a late night but I'll catch some zzz's on the plane.

So excited!!!

So I developed a bit of a cold, but I'm taking lots of Zicam in an effort to knock it down. Also lots of cold medicine.
I will not and should not hug anyone.

So looking forward to this. Unfortunately, I won't be attending the lunch at Steelhead so please take me off the list. I will be there for breakfast and the shindig at Ann's place.

Aw Anna that's too bad! I was sick last week, it seems to be going around (and I'm glad I got it out of the way already >< ). I hope you improve quickly!

anna, i will hug you anyway. i am the germ-repeller.

i still have to pack and my flight leaves at 8:30 am eastern--that's freaking early, people!

obvs, having difficulty picking out what to wear.

I am totally hugging you, Anna. Germs be damned!

Anna, I will be flying in in a can of germs. Your hug cannot be worse.

Anna, hopefully you weren't hoping to nap on the bus home from work yesterday, since I was blabbing on about the festivities. :-/. we ride in a can of germs every day...that's probably what did it. Feel better

I am germ repelling too. I will be hugging everyone.

We just spent the evening with ultra fab Diane, which was amazing. Endless yakking, laughing and eating. We had a brilliant meal at a little Italian restaurant in our neck of the woods at Bar Cantenietta. Tomorrow we go site seeing before the rest of the gang arrives. Xo

How wonderful, can't wait to see pics! It's so amazing that Diane was able to fly out for this.

OH, wish I were going to be part of Tango, please make a toast in my name. Mary, I also interpreted the "dry" remark the same way! God forbid you keep fabbers from a nice glass of Malbec after a long day of shopping.

Oh Anna, I'm sorry you're not feeling 100%, but there will be hugging, young lady!-)
It was fantastic meeting very sweet and super fab, Diane, and we got to chatting so easily, as if we'd been doing it all our lives (the YLF magic at work once again). Dinner was super fun and delicious, and today we get to do it all over again with the out of town Fabbers (and several local Fabbers too). A Fest with capital F for sure!

Just catching up with all you fabbers again after a long absence. Have a ball together - I know you will. What a treat! Your best souvenir will be the memories.