i was going to do this for my blog, but i thought it would be fun to open it up to the forum and see what everyone would come up with!

i love me some board games, and since i'm going to have a stressful week, i thought next week would be a great time to have some fashion fun. so next week i'm basing my outfits off the characters in the board game 'clue' (cluedo, depending on where you're from - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cluedo). those characters are:

Colonel Mustard
Miss Scarlet
Reverend Green/Mr. Green
Professor Plum
Mrs. White
Mrs. Peacock
Dr. Black/Mr. Boddy

your challenge, should you choose to accept it is to come up with seven outfits based on these characters/colors. be imaginative! it's a fun way to break out off a color rut :).

i hope some of you may be interested in joining in, but if not, i'll post my own photos pretty soon!


EDIT: this is the order i'll be doing the challenge in - feel free to follow along, or go in whatever order you like! i will be posting a daily outfit thread for this, as per kristen's suggestion :):)

week beginning monday, 4/27:

monday: miss scarlet
tuesday: mrs peacock
wednesday: colonel mustard
thursday: mr green
friday: mrs white

(take the weekend off!)

monday: mr black
tuesday: professor plum

last day of challenge = tuesday, 5/5

have fun everyone!