Angie's post, yesterday, on organised emotional shopping really struck a chord with me. I think I have a reasonable balance between head and heart, but I would like to have more memorable pieces in my wardrobe to supplement the "support acts".

Now, I realize that those great "know-it-when-you -see-it " items don't come along every day, but I would like to get, at least, close to perfect at other times. So I've imposed a new rule to apply when I'm about to make a purchase: The Two-Second Rule: From now on, every time I try something on, I am going to decide immediately whether or not it is right. If I don't love it (or, at least, really like it) it's going straight back on the rack. No more standing there with my head on one side trying to talk myself into making it work. No more turning this way and that trying to convince myself - it's going back!

Of course, if some minor alterations will make my new love-interest even better, then that's fine; but I won't consider altering something in the vain hope of turning a frog into a prince.

I'm sure many of you will be laughing behind your screens by now, because, after all, " doesn't everyone do that?" Well, no, it has taken me several decades to reach this light-bulb moment, but not to worry!

I'd love to know if any of you have had a similar epiphany. Do you have other decision-making strategies to share?.