By now, you must be wondering, will this story ever end? LIttle do you know what I got up to in that Michigan store.....

Yesterday, I showed my unequivocal hits -- the items I'm 100% satisfied with.

One sweater. One dress. A pair of booties.

But, dear reader, I confess -- in the face of so much fab stuff, I could not remain as restrained as that.

So I brought home just a little bit more.

One item is a star that I won't get rid of even if you pay me.

However, all the others remain in doubt. Even though I liked them well enough to bring them home, and truly want them to work, they still need to earn their place in my closet.

That's where you come in. You can help me decide whether or how they will.

To work then!

My winner is the DVF Tinkit sweater, (Pic 1) another Angie pick. It's blush with black. I hope it works for my complexion. Showing it first with my slouchy black trousers….and my new Donald Pliner booties. (Sorry - can't find those online any more.)

These booties are up for contention. I tried the black (more practical) but they did not feel comfortable. So I almost left these bronze ones in the box without trying.

Okay, who was I kidding? They were there. I had to try! And lo and behold, the fit was exquisite, unlike the black. Sveta took one look at them and said she would spank my bottom if I did not buy them. (Or words to that effect.)

Truthfully, she did not have to twist my arm too hard to get me to bring them home. However, now that I have them here, I am wondering, how on earth will I wear them? Can I wear them with black? What colours of hose will work with them? What do they look best with? It seemed as if they would pair well with taupes. But I don't actually own any taupe bottoms except my taupe skirt that I will probably pass along this year due to its being too short.

Here they are with my black Halogen pencil skirt (Pic 2) and same with sheer hose. (Pic 3)

This is my old skirt, which is petite. Should I let the hem down so it's an inch longer? I usually only wear this one with hose.

Also showing them with the new (regular) cobalt Halogen seamed skirt. (Pic 4) I love the colour, but now that I have it home with me, I wonder if I'll be able to style it in winter. I do have tops to wear with it. But what colour hose work with cobalt in winter?

Here you also see the full stumpifying effect of the Pliners with a midi (on me). It makes me doubt the wisdom of these shoes for my particular shape -- beautiful as they are. Or perhaps it is just these shoes with a midi. Not sure.

For comparison, here are the Munro booties with the same length skirt and no hose. (Pic 5)

To summarize:

1. Thank you for looking at the DVF sweater. This is a keep!

2. Keep or return the Pliner booties? How to wear?

3. Let the hem of the black pencil skirt down an inch (all that there is for allowance)?

4. K/R cobalt Halogen. If keep, how to wear in winter?

Note that my toppers at the moment are very limited. I have only my taupe leather jacket, white leather jacket, denim jackets, and a navy military style jacket from AT that is 4 years old (still going strong though).

Thank you for enduring this penultimate chapter in my saga!

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