I am incredibly grateful to Angie for a myriad of reasons. She made such a difference in my wardrobe and I am so happy with the results.

(1) Angie introduced me to capsules. Capsule dressing might not be for everyone, but it works perfectly for me. My current wardrobe is cohesive and meets all my needs. It also matches my life style and my climate.

I could not have made that statement a few years ago. In fact, I used practiced something called "panic shopping." An event would be on the horizon and I would panic because I did not have a suitable outfit. I literally ran to the stores, shopped all day (or all weekend or multiple weekends) and bought a completely new outfit (at great expense). I rarely wore that outfit a second time. Those panic outfits were always "all wrong." I was trying to project an image that wasn't me (but was out of some magazine). I never wanted to wear those outfits again.

(2) Angie introduced me to white jeans. At first I was skeptical. I bought the cheapest white jeans I could find as an experiment. They have become the mainstay of my Spring/Summer capsule for all the reasons Angie has stated in the past. The trick for me was finding really well fitting, opaque jeans. Once I had them, I wore the jeans with confidence.

(3) I am not sure how to describe the third. I always dressed very safely (nondescript) in the past. Angie taught me to introduce style elements that were interesting. An example would be those Franco Sarto Women's Holt Flat shoes. Those shoes definitely amped up my style quotient.

Here is the thing. I adopt changes much more slowly than others at YLF. I have to read about them first. Then I have to start seeing them in WIWs. I only try them once my eye has adapted. I find that my eye adapts much faster today than it did when I first started reading YLF. So I am making progress.

So this is a chance to express my gratitude.