I just had to come here for a fashion crimes confessional. It's been too long since my last confessional, but last night's crime made me feel like I should confess.

I lost my beloved Chacos this past summer. They were perfectly neutral brown and I had them 6+ years. Devastated is not the word for my loss. After waiting months for my REI Dividends check, I had only earned $7 (Too much REI Sale Shopping, not enough regular price!). The measly $7 wasn't enough to offset the price like I wanted, so I took my Chaco search elsewhere. I ended up finding some extra loud purple ones (and funky red ones) for the price of one pair at REI. Deep inside, I knew I should find a neutral, but I love color! I will be wearing these for years...the colors will match nothing I own, and I will in the process develop the worst criss-cross tan lines on my feet. There will be WIW shots with said fugly sandals. They really are the most comfortable shoes ever...:)

If anyone else secretly loves Chacos, Sierra Trading Post has them dirt cheap (and a 35% off coupon code).

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