Yes, you read that correctly -- boots. I have been going back and forth in my mind over whether to have the calves taken in on a pair of boots I love but that are much too roomy in that area. I want to wear them with skirts, but they make me look like I'm standing in a hole. Not good.

I knew this was likely to cost some money. But, after pricing Duo calf-fit boots (and their spendy shipping from the UK) and realizing that if I let these boots sit in my closet, I would have pretty much thrown away the money I already spent on them, I took my boots into the cobbler's today and asked if he could take in the calves.

He has done this before and said he could have them ready by the end of the week. The cost: about $80. I know -- ouch -- but I got the boots on a good sale, and getting a pair of calf-fit boots would be closer to $200.

If you've been debating this yourself, stay tuned... I will post a photo when I get the results. It will either be a photo of some well-fitting boots, or a photo of me sobbing over a very expensive mistake.