Huge, huge (((hugs))) Una! It'll be over before you know it. I'm glad you have parents arriving to look after you. Milk it for all it's worth. Best to let yourself heal properly, so let yourself be doted on.

I absolutely second Anna's suggestion of good ear plugs and an eye mask. Hospitals are always noisy and too bright.

Sending positive thoughts for a speedy recovery. I'm so glad that you have a supportive family to look after you.

Good luck, and best wishes.

Sending you healing care wishes, Una! I'll be thinking of you on Thursday. I agree with Anna and Diane, take some noise and light blockers to aid in sleep, the best restorative of all. I have a long stretchy tube thing that I can use as an eye mask, scarf, or to hold my hair off my face--if you are used to washing your hair daily, it might start to feel dirty. And ask for lots of those blankets from the blanket warmer. You may notice you feel colder than usual as your body sends more energy into the area that needs healing.

Best of luck and keep us posted. No suggestions in particular for your type of surgery, but just be patient with yourself during the recovery process.

The days prior to surgery are excruciating according to my friend who just had open heart surgery. She said that now even though recovery is tough she feels better and so much relief .
Best of luck with it all I will be thinking of you on Thursday, really glad that your parents have arrived I am sure that will be a big help. Nothing like having your Mum there
PS Make sure you have comfy socks for the hospital .

All the best Una!

Good luck on your surgery. From what I hear, you will feel so much better afterwards.

Wishing you all the best for a speedy recovery. And follow all doctor's orders!

Best wishes, hope all goes well.

Best wishes for a super speedy recovery! Not sure if already recommended but I would take ear plugs since you will be in for 2-3 days.

Wishing you the best Una. Swift healing!

Una - you've received great suggestions here. Just want to wish you a wonderful recovery and enjoy being pampered When you're able, please let us know how you're doing.

Una - you will do great, you are strong and ready to get this handled. The only advice I would give is to have your mom (or someone) be the advocate at the hospital and at home who makes sure any drug they give you is the correct one and the correct dosage and check for any counter indications if you're taking multiple drugs. Tell that person to ask questions each time, even if it seems annoying to the nurse or doctor.

Take good care of yourself, watch funny movies afterwards -- laughter aids in healing! (we recently watched Meet the Fockers, yes again, and still laughed through most scene :-)).

I'll be thinking of you and sending healing thoughts your way.

I can't remember if I've already made these recommendations to you, but I have three...
1. Audio books. I was so exhausted, and in and out of sleep, that even trying to watch a television series or movie was more than I had energy for. I got Amy Poehler's book on Audible and it was the best thing ever. I'd play it and listen for a while, fall asleep, wake up, listen some more. Because it's not a novel and it was light hearted it didn't matter that I wasn't catching it all chronologically. It was exactly what I needed.
2. Giant underpants. One size bigger than you could imagine you'll possibly need. They'll give you some mesh garbage in the hospital and you'll wear those for a day or two, but when you eventually put on real underpants you'll feel like a new woman.
3. If you haven't found it yet, this message board is indispensable. There are sections based on date of surgery so you can read and commiserate with people who are literally day for day exactly where you are in real time. You can also read from people who are a week or two ahead of you to have an idea of what's coming up for you.

I have no advice that you haven't heard already, but just wanted to say good luck and wishing you a speedy recovery.

Sending hugs and prayers your way. Also seconding the ear plugs idea.

Good luck! How nice that you'll have your mom to take care of you, we still need our moms! I think a new robe and slippers would be fun for in the hospital and recovery. Or maybe new lounging clothes, really comfy ones. I know new clothes always make me feel better

Thanks ladies! This has been invaluable and I've added some things to my packing list. Yes, HysterSisters has been a godsend. My mother is a doctor (retired) so thankfully she will be able to keep an eye on everything when I'm too groggy to do so.

One major concern now is allergies! We currently have the highest pollen count in the world here, and I've been sneezing non-stop despite Claritin. The thought of sneezing while stitched together is making me shudder...

If anyone else goes through this, I am bookmarking this thread for their reference.

Can you use Flonase? It's full strength over the counter now. It works so well for me I don't need to see my allergist anymore.

ETA: if you do get it, the best prices I've seen are at Walmart. (Are they in Alaska?)

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Take care and good luck.

If you do need to sneeze, get ready to double over or pull up your knees but of course avoid if you can.

I can recommend The Night Manager for 6 hours of great English TV.

Very best wishes

Good luck Una, thinking of you and sending my best wishes.

I've found since the hospital air is so heavily filtered you don't have to worry about allergies while you're there. Maybe get a HEPA filter ready for the room you'll be camped out in most?

Best of luck with the surgery and recovery, Una. Please don't try and overdo it; let the guys take care of you! You'll be feeling much better soon. Hugs!

I will be thinking of you on Thursday and sending healing vibes. Take good care of YOU. I am glad your family will be there to help during your recovery.

I will also be thinking of you on Thursday and sending healing thoughts your way.
I recommend earplugs and a sleep mask. I like Mack's Pillow Soft Silicone Earplugs. If you've never taken Flonase, check out the common side effects list first - headache and coughing (that's what it does to me) plus more.

Best wishes!! I know you will be so happy to have all this behind you!

Sounds like you've got a good support network in place. Now let those folks take care of you. Wishing you a speedy recovery.

Sending good thoughts northward - and wishes for all good outcomes and rapid healing.

I wish you good luck and a speedy recovery. Try to relax and enjoy being looked after by your mum.

Wishing you the best, Una. Will be thinking of you tomorrow.