I love everybodys' descriptors! Such a fun, yet thought provoking, exercise.

Thank you, Angie, for pointing me at SUP -- it really resonates and gives me an excellent filter to screen purchases and outfits through.

Maybe we could add that one to the Fashion Persona choices in the Profile?

It's a pleasure, Sara.

Thanks, Caro

C1, you may not be a flirty person, but your style is very flirty

Christy, I was hoping that you would see that there is style life beyond edgy - an overused word in itself. You do not need to have an edgy style to have killer style. And plenty of edgy style is not killer. You are a Modern Classic Queen. Or a Business Sophisticate. Or a Sleek Urban Princess - you can join that tribe too

Natalie - so with you! You lead the Kingdom of Fun Flirty Princess with Naz and Lyn* by your side.

Hannah, I need a better grasp of your recent style before I suggest some descriptors. Perhaps you can post some pics?

Thanks Angie! I'd be THRILLED to join the Sleek Urban Princess tribe, though I definitely feel more princess-in-training than princess. Will study the others WIWs and see if I can step it up! And I proudly accept the titles of Modern Classic Queen and Business Sophisticate. I'm glad I added a few "tougher" pieces lately - my navy leather jacket especially. But modern classic just speaks to who I am and what I want to convey. I aspire to that "je ne sais quoi" quality that Zap used to describe "chic". I'm always in awe of those whose looks come across as effortless and naturally stylish. I don't aspire to trendy, I don't aspire to cutting edge. I want to look current, abhor the idea of being dated, but I want to dress in a way that people notice me before they notice what I'm wearing. And I think that my comfort with a more traditional way of dressing makes me feel like I'm wearing the clothes instead of the other way around.

Charmian, you're right - nothing wrong with figuring out what works and sticking with it!

the SUP clan keeps on growing. Glad to gave you aboard, Christy. I know, that elusive "Je ne seis quoi" is what aspire to, as well. You have described my goals to a T.

Suz and Angie, I'm honored with your labels. As you can see I'm hard to figure out.

Okay maybe I'm retro romantic for now?? I think my look will change once the hair does something different and it's taking forever.

I got a little behind on this thread, but now I'm caught up again. What fun! I'm putting this in my favorites, for sure. To refer back to it as I study others' outfits will be fun. And of course, I want to focus on the other UPs to see how you define your style over the coming year!

OMG - how did I miss this thread???? I have been having an absolutel BALL reading everyone's comments! Not only do we have killer fashionistas on this forum, but we have killer writers as well!

I'm not sure about descriptors for my style: some words that come to mind for me are - creative or artistic (but NOT in the Santa Fe sense of the word!) tomboyish, trendy, retro (how can one be both trendy and retro??? unless retro is the trend? ) fearless, unpolished - even though sometimes I *want* to be polished I just can't pull it off, eclectic , fun, unconventional, etc. etc. - I'm all over the place! I realize that I haven't posted many outfits on the forum for quite some time so I may not be able to get any help from you, Angie - or anyone else - but if anyone has some ideas would you please let me know? Thanks!