We were campling this weekend (it got down to the 40s at night and I was able to bust out the new emerald down jacket, which got much admiration!), and I realized how easy it is to dress when you're thinking only about function - warmth, staying dry, moving easily.

I also had a strange style revelation moment, as we sat around one afternoon looking through InStyle. I am rarely attracted to basic items, and find them oddly hard to style. For instance, the recent posts on accessorizing a black dress - I am so bad at those things (maybe because I'm not Team ALGO or Maximal). I would so much rather have an item that does the accessorizing for me, like a crazy print dress or a striped blazer.

That got me thinking about whether I even need a pair of "all-purpose" black boots. Why do I need a basic item if I'm also going to want the amped-up versions (laces, zippers, buckles, etc.)?

I almost feel like I need a fashion food pyramid to guide me. Something like "basics = grains, accessories = fruits and veggies, statement pieces = dairy") so I can get a sense of what proportions make sense. Although I'm loving my wardrobe a lot more, I'm still not feeling like it's balanced somehow.

My camping capsule is the easiest one I have!