Killer outfits.

*kissing Revie*

What Janet said. You haven't lost your style stride at all. You have it going on, Michelle. Well done.

Yay Michelle! It's just such a treat to see you post outfits again!-) And I agree 100% with what the other ladies have said: you have lost nothing of your style mojo, sweet lady! Both outfits are beautiful. I adore the sassy tunic on you, and that shade of blue is stunning (fun to see you sport long earrings too). The purple dress is so elegant and your pearls are the perfect finishing touch.

Reva is looking as beautiful as ever too!-)

Wow, Michelle, these are 2 great outfits! Love your new booties and had a good laugh over the unicorn reference! Boy can I relate! Your les miserable outfit is perfect. Two big winners for sure.

You look amazing in these outfits. Don't change a thing!

You totally hit the ground running! Both of these look fantastic. I know that the purple is getting all the love on this thread (and it really does deserve all the love it is getting) but I have to say that I really love the tunic in #1 too. So pretty and such a great shape. Really nice to see you again!

Ooh, Michelle -- now I'm eyeing those Munro booties! I don't usually do heels because my feet get unhappy in about a nanosecond but I have been wanting a bootie with a modest heel.

Love the purple dress especially. So good to see you back. Here, Reva...

You look so beautiful and elegant and stylish in both your more casual and dressed up options! Can't wait to see more of your outfits.

Both outfits are excellent on you. Congrats on comfortable booties!
And echoing all, you should wear more purple--it's a beautiful color for you.

So nice to see you back, Michelle!
I love both of these outfits on you. I don't think I have seen you in that shade of blue before, but I really like it. The dress drapes nicely and is very pretty and elegant, but I think the tunic has a Mod vibe that I find very appealing and fresh. You are looking great.

M.i.c.h.e.l.l.e... oh my!

What a joy to see you posting again. I love both these outfits, the purple dress is goregous and so is the tunic outfit. And I cannot wait to see and read more from you. Yay, way to start 2014