Hi Ladies,

I wasn't going to make a fuss and share but I realised this morning just how much we are like a family to one another and just how much your support and care means to me Before I start let me just say that my Master 13 is fine.

On Monday Master 13 had an accident at home. It was a public holiday and he was playing outside in our yard with a friend from school. I am trying not to beat myself up too much over the fact that I was only a few feet away yet didn't realise what he was doing! Short story, an aerosol can of spraypaint exploded in his face (there was flame involved). I can't bring myself yet to articulate the visual when I looked up, but needless to say it's not one I would wish anyone to see.

He was conscious, communicating, but in pain and very distressed. After rinsing his eyes we knew his vision was ok. We took him straight to Emergency and he was seen immediately but the Trauma Team.

Miraculously (and I don't use that work lightly) he had not inhaled the burning paint, so no damage to his airways, and he had sustained only superficial burns on the top half of his face and ears. Also a chipped tooth.
Singed hair resulted in the need for a buzz cut I am home with him for the week before he returns to school next Monday.

The Trauma Team were in disbelief over what happened and the fact that he came through it relatively unscathed. Each person that attended him asked him if he had been wearing a mask across his mouth and lower face area... he hadn't. According to the doctor accidents like these rarely end well. Medical staff kept coming in when they heard what had happened to have a look.

Any way we are not making a lot of fuss and have only shared with our close friends what happened and Master 13 is not allowed to put anything on social media about it (photos of his face, etc) as we don't want any opportunity for him or his friends to 'glorify' his stupidity. Having said that he is very sorry and appears to recognise what he was doing was in the seriously stupid zone. I now understand the disconnect for teenage boys between 'knowing' something is not safe and 'choosing' to do it anyway!!

But i wanted to share with you because i need to express my gratitude that he is safe and well. Those of you who know me, know that i have a strong faith and I am not sure I can fully express how much I felt the presence of God during what happened, how He guided me to respond without panic, and His love, grace and care for my son.

If you have a moment for prayer or positive thoughts for the healing of Seth's burns I would be so grateful.

Sending you, my extended family, hugs and lots of love.
xxx Deborah