Kafe's post about styles going in and out of fashion made me wonder. I thought it was funny flipping through all the fashion magazines that were touting super bright colors as being in style this fall because it reminded me of all the neon bright clothes we used to wear in the 80's. And plus I just bought a pair of black skinny jeans. So is it finally the perfect time for this vintage 80's genuine acrylic/nylon purple and green handprint sweater tunic (that I saved as a memento because it makes me laugh) to make a reappearance in my closet?

Here is the only picture I could find of me wearing the actual sweater, not styled that well--but I also have another one of me rocking a different sweater tunic with black skinnies and a RATE black belt. Sorry it's in black & white so you can't see all the bright colors in their glory! And just for fun, me wearing the sweater now! Does it meet with YLF approval? Vote yay if I should actually wear this! LOL!!! (Insert tongue in cheek smiley!)

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