After my roundup and inventory of what I wore during November, I promised some reflections. This was the first time I took 30 unbroken days of photos, and I found it an incredibly instructive exercise. So thanks again, Mo, for initiating it!

I've really enjoyed the other participants' reflections (and Lisa's and Ingunn's, too, even though theirs are on a slightly different subject) so I'm posting mine in the hope they might prove helpful to others as well.

Lessons learned (in no particular order).

  • I am pretty happy with my work-at-home wardrobe. It is comfortable, stylish enough, and mixes quite seamlessly with the less casual parts of my wardrobe.
  • I may need more variety than I used to think — partway through the month I got bored.
  • I may need less variety than I think — I am not sure I was bored with my clothes so much as bored with the requirement that I create an entirely different outfits with them. Note - this wasn’t onerous. My clothes mix and match with ease. I just prefer to wear the combinations I prefer. And like Lisa, I'd rather repeat combinations I prefer than mix things up just for the sake of mixing.
  • On balance, I think my wardrobe is pretty much the right size for me — although I do have some remaining wardrobe holes (see below) and in filling these I won’t require myself to follow the one in one out principle.
  • I could experiment with a few different silhouettes to increase the sense of variety. Tunic sweaters come to mind -- if I can find some that look good on me. Not easy.
  • I should allow myself some mid-season wardrobe refreshers especially in our long winters. If I am already tired of a few items in the closet now, imagine how I will feel by the end of the winter!
  • I tire most quickly of patterned items. They pall on me.
  • I seek patterned items when I am craving variety and a change!
  • I am still relying on scarves a lot in cooler weather. (Wore them 12 days out of 30). Why? They keep me warm and add a bit of colour or drama and a small amount of pattern (crucial, to me) to simple jeans and sweater outfits. Why is this a problem? The minimalist part of me prefers a more streamlined look for myself.
  • Turtlenecks look great on me. These are a partial solution to the problem of too many scarves.
  • I could try a couple of statement necklaces instead of scarves.
  • I don’t see the touches of avant garde I’d been hoping to inject into my wardrobe. It reads pretty much modern classic to me. Which is okay…but I would like to keep it moving in a slightly more edgy direction.

Simple vs. minimal

Denise made a comment that resonated with me:

1, 11, 13, 23, 34, and 37 all have a sleek, chic and minimal thing going on that is so right on you.

I couldn't agree more. The outfits I liked best were the simplest ones.

For a long time I have admired our reigning closet minimalist, Claire, and also those sites like The Vivienne Files, that feature simple capsule wardrobes of high quality classics (although the emphasis on classics does at times bore me -- a part of me loves to try trends). Then Ornella came up with her Flavia series -- riffing on one standout accessory with a very basic backdrop.

Over this month I have realized yet again that despite some yearnings in that direction and a sense perhaps that I "should" reduce the number of items in my closet, I will never be able to go completely minimal. The 10 item seasonal wardrobe is an impossible dream for me. I have too many roles (with associated clothing needs), and I don't want to wear gear or loungewear for my work-at-home days -- I want to wear real clothing all the time, not just when I go out. So 40 to 50 items seems pretty reasonable to me, per season.

But this experiment has made me wonder if instead of minimalism, what I truly crave is greater simplicity. Maybe I should aim towards this. Maybe that sort of simplicity is my "avant guard" or edge, in fact -- if the pieces are modern enough.

Maybe I should limit neutrals and colours even further, creating a couple of "uniforms" for the different roles in my life. That might or might not involve fewer pieces in the closet -- that would depend on laundry and other factors.

I'm pondering this now. It may take some time to work out. But I'd be curious to hear what others think of this idea.

For now, here are my "wants"

Several tunic type sweaters (if I could find some that I liked on myself)
A new cardigan or two for work-at-home wear
A couple more layering Ts and turtle necks
Several more jackets — even though these might not get as much wear as I imagine, I love them.
Several new pairs of jeans, preferably in lighter colours
A suit (currently my HEWI)

Also, I would like a few more “statement” type items. Things that I call statement essentials.

If you have read this far, you are amazing. Thank you!

Question: Have you pondered the difference between "simple" and "minimal"? What does that mean to you?