Hi everyone!

I am a new member here, I am in desperate need of fashion advice and recommendations!

I love fashion, and I am one of those people who wishes they could look like Kendall or Gigi 24/7. However, I am nowhere near their level, and it is mainly due to my stupid height. I am 4'11 and nothing looks good on me. Literally nothing, which makes my confidence stay at an all-time low. It also doesn't help that my legs are shorter than my torso and I can not show them off at all as they look stumpy and generally so ugly.

There is also the fact that I do not even try to pull off anything too crazy. Even simple staple items look horrible. For instance, I love classic white shirts with black jeans, but mine just looks stupid and I look like I'm wearing an apron over jeans which need to be cuffed (even though I actually tried hard with them by buying good quality jeans in the Petite section).
I don't know if anyone else has a problem like me, but what do you usually wear? Or what would you wear if you could not pull anything off at all?

I appreciate any help! Thank you so much!