As I play and refine my eye, I've noticed that while I can wear and enjoy silver jewelry, gold tones are more flattering.

I have also noticed that pale to medium gold feels best on me, rather than some of the gold-ier golds. Some gold tones seem brighter, more yellow or with a brass element in them. What is it that I'm seeing?

Do those "yellow-er" or louder golds (still beautiful, just not for me!) have more contrast? Are they brighter? Is it something about the undertone? It's as if the pale to medium golds melt into my skin or brighten it and the other ones seem to stand out again. (In Inside Out Style terms, I am medium to high contrast. I have green veins, and am naturally a pale olive skin, I think. I take matters into my own hands and self tan ) Perhaps I am just slightly warm, and golder-golds are too warm?

Can metal even have a contrast level? Is it level of warmth? Confused but intrigued.