The LOFT skinny Julie pants went back even though I love the print.
They fit fairly snugly through the calf, which is not uncomfortable but since they are truly skinny pants, it's back to ice-cream cone land, and I just have to do the forehead-smack and stay away.

The BR Avalon pants I got contiue to work well, and that may be a manufacturing fluke, because I don't think it's made curvy. I tried it on in black and beige due to sale, and the same size did not fit right, and even sized up, which did better, somehow wasn't a "10" really, so there was something about the pair I got that was not so snug or straight in the hip, or the color made a difference--who knows.

In the Avalon pant, I turn it up once so that it makes a cuff.. I've noticed that ankle-type pants may look even better on me with a cuff instead of tapering hem alone, which at first seemed counterintuitive (taper is supposed to be "good", less fr---- than a wider crop,) . But on me, the cuff seems to provide hip/thigh-balance, much like wearing the right shoes that have just enough substance and avoiding shoes that are too minimal, like some slim pointy flats. The same would work with pants that are rolled a couple of times, though for me rolling is very casual for work, while a finished-appearing "cuff" is wearable.

So maybe I will get back to focusing on the formulas that work!