I was so exhausted at 8pm earlier this evening that I almost fell asleep on the couch. Then I started blogging and got a second wind. Checked Twitter and noticed #mandela was trending. Our national tv station stopped normal broadcasts for a special announcement of Mr Mandela's passing by President Zuma. It's now 1:45 am and I'm lying in bed listening to the radio station taking calls of people so very sad about the passing of Nelson Mandela.

Quite a surreal feeling of loss and sadness. May he rest in peace. And may he continue to unite us, even in his passing.

ETA: (Pics 1-3) On the day of Mr Mandela's memorial, I took my kids to his house in Houghton, Johannesburg to pay our respects. (Pics 4-6) We also went to Sandton City to do some shopping and popped into Nelson Mandela Square where people were also placing their tributes in front of the large statue.

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