Wow!! Love that fluid top on you. I think I still see a lot DayVies in this outfit. Like Lyn* said, long legs and a structured topper! You look gorgeous!

I'm so happy I'm not the only one who remembers Multiples :-D!

Shemarie - It took years to break these boots in! I have a wide foot and when I first got them I was training for a half marahion so all of my shoes were a little off because my body retained so much water (little known fact they don't tell you about marathon training!) They fit like a dream now and I absolutely love them. They are pretty good in the snow I've not felt them leaking but I am not going to push my luck.

Suz - I guess I can't get away from that attention to detail tick I guess that will always be a component of an outfit I put together. I'm sure where ever this reinvention takes me I'll never quite capture and pull off a RATE look.

Lucy - as far as I know there is only one. Though I did wonder early on because heartburn started immediately.

Lyn67- I understand what you mean about too much volume. I had to laugh about your homeless comment. I've always been afraid of too much volume for that reason. Maybe you could try volume in small doses?

You look absolutely great!

Oh wow! I think I must have missed the news! Congratulations!!!! And you look so so so gorgeous in both of these. Killer IMO.

The first outfit is EXTREMELY flattering for you, Day!

You carry the flowy top with the skinnies rather well, DV!

OMG. Yes. You look breathtaking. Fresh and breathtaking.

Love the flowy top on you DV - pairing it with skinnies and reining it in with a belt totally keeps the volume from getting away from you. And that military-esque coat is fab on you. You are looking radiant

Urban renegade, I like it! I like this shift towards interesting details from the clothes as opposed to from the layering (the drape of the top in #1, the buttons on the jacket in #2).

One month later, and you're still not totally invested in flowy. I'm used to seeing you as very structured. I looked at one of your pics the other day and thought how long in the torso you must be because you're still not showing. You never know, you could carry very high and be able to wear many of your same styles. I wore my non-maternity pants up until 8 months or so because I carried high and had lots of low rise pants.

you really look fabulous. my favorite look on you so far. whether it;s a Day Vies look or not, I don't know but when it looks this good, maybe it should be.

#1 looks great on you (so does #2), but as to whether you have it in you to persist with such a style shift... I don't know! Do you feel... any sort of attachment to the outfit? Are you loving it?

Thanks for your continued support on this thread but my body has changed since last month. I am not sure I could get away with the same type of belt all day. I can't stand most of belts at this point.

I was figuring the belt would go. Do you still reach for the topper?

This is still you because it is all stunning and elegant. Really great and that coat is a fave of mine!

You look fabulous! I love the new direction, and the 80s vibe. I know you were thinking military, but to me, this has a definite 80s flavor.

DV - I am just in awe of how stunning and radiant you look!! No matter what you wear there is such elegance of line and detail!! Just major wow!! Hope you feel as fabulous as you look!! I honestly cannot wait to see what you, stylish mom, are going to come up with next!!

I think the fluidity of this top looks absolutely beautiful on you and is so flattering to your lovely curves and definitely hits that dramatic note that you want.