Something I still am struggling with is figuring out my style as a MOTG. Work is fine and I feel I have found my groove. To be honest that is where I wanted to pitch my effort when I started this whole style revamp thing three or four years ago after my son was born. It was initially triggered by trying to understand my changed body shape but also trying to restart my career which I felt stalled in the time I had off work with my son.

My MOTG style though still feels unsettled and undefined or...not entirely coherent. Partly it is an identity thing because even after 4 yrs as mother to my delightful DS I still feel kind of confused that I am sombody's mummy. It isn't part of the career-focused identify that I built up over the years. Partly it is that I came somewhat late to motherhood and partly it is that am 40+ now and some looks I used to wear without thinking feel too try-hard or too young or no longer suit my body-shape - I carry weight differently on my body now.

Not 100% certain what I am asking here...I guess I am attempting to ask if others have felt like the journey to figure out their MOTG style has been a long one... Also maybe ideas as to how I can find my MOTG groove if anyone has any.