I seems like it's going to get HOT even faster than usual here. I have been frustrated with dress shopping lately because of all the polyester/rayon offerings. I need cotton!

I found these two items on sale and I'm crossing my fingers that they'll fit!

1) Easy crinkled cotton dress
This looks so nice and cool for a hot day and I think the drawstring will add the needed waist definition without the hassles of a belt. I'm praying the color doesn't wash me out.

2) Zip-It-Up! denim vest
My torso looks better with structure and I thought this would be cute over tanks/camisoles. I've been searching for a couple of years for a denim vest and they always seem to emphasize my IT shoulders. I'm hoping the dark collar will help tone down the shoulders and I like that it's a zip closure.

I was able to get a 15% off plus free shipping coupon which saved me $21.34!! Yipee!!

Anyone found any great HOT weather items? Please share!

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