In Shevia's thread about Parisienne style, I was struck especially by this remarks.

"French style seems ultimately practical and based on appearing elegant and

charming through wind, rain and cold, while walking on uneven pavement. The vibe was freedom

within structure rather than anything goes and I had the impression of a culture that is more

Haiku than free verse."

Skylurker added the explanation or context that: "Wearing statement clothes - too luxe, too sexy, too eccentric or too loud - is seen as vulgar, esp in bourgeois circles."

This got me wondering. If it is true that Parisienne style is ultimately practical and based on appearing elegant and charming in the actual conditions of city life (in that city), then how does that translate to Miami, or New York, or Tel Aviv, or Toronto? The scarves and motos and sober tailored cuts that make sense in Paris -- what are their equivalents elsewhere?

What are they, where you live?

Shevia also suggested that self-knowledge seems to be the basis of great Parisienne style. Perhaps it goes further and includes knowledge of the environment, acceptance of it.

We've talked numerous times about how important it can be for us Canadians, for example, to develop a real "coat capsule" -- either aiming for variety (if this is a need) or the very best quality coats we can afford. I am thinking that is one example of "translating Parisienne style" to our own reality.

Well, Angie's been saying this stuff for years (Dress for your body today; dress for the life you lead). I guess it just takes me a while to let it sink into my noggin.

Or maybe I am still wishing that I lived in Paris....

How about you? How can you "do Paris"?