An irresistible challenge Angie! I love your choices. I will do as much as I can!

Angie, thank you for inventing another seminal YLF art-fashion challenge. These have quite a fine tradition here on the forum. I will try to partake in as many as I can, which means, at least one and hopefully up to three.

I almost missed this! Fun challenge Angie! I will try to do 4 ... or may do 5 spilling over next week. Just what I need to get my creative juices flowing (which are kind of running dry right now :D)

Aliona- bwahaha!!!

What a fun challenge! Looking forward to seeing everyones creative interpretations!

Oh, wow! I love it, Angie. I wonder if I can do the whole week... a lot of color involved for me, but I am very drawn to the angles!

My toes are tickled hearing your enthusiasm. Soon the games will begin. WOOOHOOOOO.

Very cool challenge... My thinking cap is on about how I can participate!

I will give it whirl...what fun!

Ooohh, this IS quite a challenge! I will give it a whirl...most likely two, but will see if I can do more. Thanks for the inspiration!

How fun! Sorry I've been away for a while... I am in to try a couple, at least, although I can hardly resist the challenge of trying them all!

Joining in-- trying to get my juices flowing for spring.

Oh gosh, I might give a whirl for a day or two, but not sure what I can pull off. Fun pieces to work from. Thanks Angie

Oh this looks like such fun! I will try a few of these but I can't promise great photos.

I'm in - I love a challenge. The next two weeks are super busy, and difficult style-wise for me (I have a work conference dictating my schedule and dress code), so I may be a little tardy. But I do expect to join in! Thank you, Angie!!

I'm in! Don't know if I'll be able to do them all in a week but I will do my best!

Brilliant challenge, and what fun! I already have some ideas. Hope I can figure out how to take & send pics without a smartphone . . .

I'm in - it might take me longer than a week though. I'm looking forward to looking at my closet through new eyes.

WOW. What an excellent response. Thanks, ladies. VERY excited to see what you come up with.

I will be slower to comment on your challenge outfits because my arms and wrists are sore. Please bare with me.

Angie, I just wanted to say thank you! I had forgotten how fun and inspiring these picture challenges are. Originally I was only going to do one or two, but now I'm thinking i might try for all five, even the two (4&5) that I find challenging.

You are a darling, Diana. My pleasure, and go for it.

Angie, please look after your arms! RSI is a terrible thing, it can be completely debilitating if left unchecked. Please take care!

Great, Columbine.

Thanks, approprio. I'm touched by your concern. Got to take it easy on the typing - which is REALLY hard with everyone's killer interpretations of these paintings.