Sending you lots of good thoughts, Maya.

Maya, my mom had problems with anxiety and panic attacks most of her life, but was able to manage well with the help of a therapist.

I've had two panic attacks myself -- I seriously thought I was having a heart attack during the most recent one, almost 3 years ago. Both incidents happened during extremely stressful times in my life -- the most recent while my mom was dying in the ICU of the hospital. Breathing mindfully and having someone calm nearby to talk to are the things that helped me enormously.

If theres anything I can do, any questions I can answer, please don't hesitate to PM me. I have nothing but sympathy and support for anyone experiencing this because I know how scary and hard it is. Big hugs to you.

Everyone's support has really helped tonight. Thank you so much. Big huge hugs to all of you who have gone through this and continue to battle it. It's so much worse than any physical malady I have experienced, but it's also very powerful to see that other perfectly healthy normal people deal with this, and all of you survived and for the most part, are content and satisfied human beings.

I have read every single word of every single comment and will keep this thread in my favorites. I hope to be busy this weekend and call a doctor on Monday. I just need to get through this weekend. I thought about calling a hotline, but I'm so reluctant to talk about this sorry situation. If I plonk down $50/hour for a therapist, that might force me to, in a controlled way. I think I'd feel better about that than telling a stranger about it over the phone.

Thank you all for reaching out, either here or in PM. Just knowing there are such compassionate and supportive people out there has been a great comfort.

Maya, you are very brave to reach out..under what I am sure was a frightening situation to say the least!
There is a program you ca buy called
~Attacking can google it. i don't have it ...but I think at one time I could have really used the tools it provides for "self talk" and to end the "what if" thinking...she herself overcame this.
I don't know if this is what you are experiencing, but you can check it out anyway if you wish
xo taylor

Big hugs to you Maya! I do hope you'll find just the right therapist soon. I'm so glad that Angie had your phone number and that you were able to go out and meet a friend.

Remember, if you need distractions this weekend, YLF is open 24/7. : )

(Incidentally, when I read that you had 5 or 6 spiders on your light fixture, that gave me the heeby jeebies!! I just hate bugs but for some reason, I'll always notice them right away. Luckily, my eldest has now become my bug zapper. Hee-hee!)

Maya, sending you lots of comforting relaxation vibes...

Please - continue to reach out! Whether here, or on a hotline. No one is going to judge your situation. We've all been there, at some point, about something. No one skates through life without some sort of difficulty (even though it might look like it.)

I feel most helpless when I feel I have no control. Taking action, any action, can help tremendously.

Your YLF family is thinking of you!

I'm 1/2 a world away from you right now (currently in Hawaii). I just wanted to log in and give you more support.
It sucks to be that alone sometimes in the city. Been there done that, still feel it sometimes.
If it's not too horrid weather tomorrow go for a walk somewhere like Central Park. Being outdoors in nature always helps me.

Some more hugs for you Maya I used to have these when I was in my early twenties but I somehow thankfully grew out of them. Hope you managed to get out and get a distraction and hopefully the world seems a little more brighter today.


like others posted here, i experienced a panic attack, twice. the first time i went to the ER, and the doc told me:

1. slowly inhale through your nose and count to 10. close your eyes if it helps you focus.
2. hold you breathe ~5/10 seconds
3. slowly exhale through your mouth

do this with a small paper bag to blow into, if possible. when i saw characters in tv/movies do this, i thought it was just a prop. but, it works!

repeat as needed until the feelings subside, and mentally calm down with reassuring thoughts that you will be ok

my attacks seemed out of the blue, but were actually reactions to stress from a little while ago. i don't know your situation, but i hope you find the support you need to weather it.

you are not alone!

More Hugs and good wishes for you, Maya. I've been through those in my twenties -- not fun!! I hated them (duh!). Be sure to keep yourself pleasantly occupied and continue to reach out here and IRL to talk it out.

One thing I do remember was a handout (no Google back then) where the first advice was: panic attacks will NOT kill you. To someone who has never had one it sounds silly, but to someone who has been through one it can be reassuring that those overwhelming, all encompassing horrible feelings WILL pass.

So, hoping you will find support and good insight.

Maya, I just wanted to say that I've suffered these myself and I know they can be terrifying and feel very overwhelming. Remember to be very gentle and kind with yourself (sometimes I think it can be a really hard thing to do). Very big hugs from me to you.

Just remember that if you happen to be up in the middle of the night and are feeling worried or anxious, it will be daytime down here in Australia. I'm often near the computer, particularly during the week. I'd be more than happy to keep you "virtual" company, or just be an ear to listen. Remember, you are not alone and we care! x

So sorry you had a panick attack. I had short one at about the same time you had yours... I am seeing a therapist and things are already so much better. They are shorter and wider apart. Please do seek help first thing Monday morning. In the mean time I am sending you a cyber hug (((((Maya)))))

Before I read what everyone wrote, my view would be to try and do something different, something outside of the home. Go for a walk, to the library, but change the environment. Do something that will require different interactions than your usual everyday ones and/or immerse yourself into new activities.

It would probably be a good idea to come up with some strategy when things get better and you feel calmer about what to do if this happens again. Write them down so you don't struggle to remember what it is you need to do if it happens again.

Sending you my love Maya, I know we're ocean apart and I can't hug you as I'd want to but I'll be thinking of you.

Sending you hugs and lots of good vibes.

Just chiming in with more hugs and supportive thoughts. I hope you're feeling a bit better today. I believe cupcakes are required medication today.

Maya, hugs to you. I hope you wake up this morning feeling a bit better. Thinking of you!

I woke up and thought of you this morning, Maya, hoping you're feeling better.

I think it helps simply to know that a panic attack is what you were experiencing. When I thought I was having a heart attack, continuing on that mental path would have just made the situation worse. I literally thought they were going to have to put me in the ICU next to my mom! One of the nurses sat me down, gave me some juice, and told me what was going on, and I knew then that I wasn't going to die right then and there.

Just for a little background...This happened on what I must say was the worst day of my life. My mom was clearly not getting better, she was on life support and still had some awareness but couldn't communicate very well. It was then that I realized she was struggling to say goodbye. It was the only day I was there alone -- my sister had to return home to take care of something, and my husband was out of town on business. It was the perfect storm of stress, and I broke down.

It sounds like your experience is also being triggered by something very difficult, and you feel alone in handling it. I think talking with a therapist or counselor will be very helpful, and in my experience it's worth the money. I've gone through a couple of periods in my life when I found therapy to be enormously valuable.

Big hugs!

Take care Maya. Glad you seem to be a little better now and that you have a good plan for the weekend/Monday.

Big cyberhugs

Here's a hug to you from Seattle, I'm a mama and a grandma...and I give lots of great hugs! So now you get one from me and there are plenty more if you need them. We all care about you, Maya, hope that lovely thought helps you make it through the day.

Maya- hugs from me too! I do hope you can get in to see a dr. asap!

Maya, I am *so glad* that you spoke with Angie and are planning to tackle finding a therapist on Monday! It sounds like things are feeling slightly better and more manageable. I hope today goes okay, and you find a therapist who's a good fit for you at the start of the week.


Want you to to know that I am thinking of you. I think all that has been said is wise. I have nothing to add other than this too shall pass. Sounds like you have a handle on what to do and know for sure that you are not alone in this experience. As Tarzy said, none of us come without emotional challenges.

You are a treasure and I am sorry that you are going through such a difficult time.

I know we've been in touch already, but I too wanted to add to the collective love and concern on this thread. I empathize with what you're going through, and the feelings of isolation can sometimes be the most crippling. I hope this thread will always stand as proof that you are not alone, even if it feels that way.
Keep busy today, if possible. And please don't hesitate to reach out to us if you need anything at all.
*lots of hugs from me and cuddles from Reva*

Hope you are feeling better soon, Maya! You've gotten lots of good advice already, it's something you will learn to manage, but hopefully it won't happen again. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

I know that we've been in touch, but I just want to join in on this thread of Love and Support for you Maya. You are not alone. Love - Marley

Maya, I'm late to the thread, but I just want to add you have my support and I'll be thinking about you and sending good thoughts your way.

A close friend of mine had panic attacks in college and one time, after breathing into a bag for a while didn't help, I ended up driving him to the ER because he was convinced that he needed medical attention (I think going to the hospital would freak me out even more, but somehow it calmed him down). Anyway, I've seen how scary it can be, but also know that as a friend I was happy to help in any way possible. It's so admirable that you're reaching out for help, and I hope that the people around you continue to give you the love and support that you need.

I've been away from my computer but just saw this and hope you're okay, Maya. When I was doing my clinical training, I would teach my clients with panic attacks to breathe on a count of ten: in for a count of two, then out for a count of eight (hard to sustain the exhale that long and that's the point: it helps reduce the high level of O2 that contributes to the attack.) Good to remember that the body is predisposed to get past full-blown panic because it's too physically expensive to your system. If you can focus on counting out your breathing, try also to reassure yourself that the feeling *will* subside, however terrible it feels while it's happening.

I'm thinking of you and sending hugs.

This outpouring of support is pretty amazing, don't you think? I know that when I have experienced these down times, having someone else put everything aside and say, "I've been there. I'll help you get through this," has been extraordinarily comforting. It can be a powerful thing just to know you are not alone. As others have said, I'm glad you were able to share what is happening, Maya. Feeling out of control is really, really scary. You strike me as a courageous, strong, and sensitive person. These are qualities that will serve you well throughout your life, and during this challenging time. When you are on the other side of this -- and you will be -- I have no doubt you will be in a position to help someone else experiencing the same thing. I'm hoping you find relief and feel better soon.

Big big hugs, Maya! I hope today feels better than yesterday, and tomorrow feels better still. It was courageous of you to reach out for support; the YLF brigade is armed with tea, hugs, and cookie dough, ready to battle at your side.