Completely off topic, but I was handed a project awhile back - something that nobody would touch with a ten-foot pole. Extremely difficult, a huge learning curve, and no one else knows how to do it (including me). I've had to learn so much stuff, it's not funny....

A *behemoth* of a project. Somehow, some people thought that I might be able to do it (ha ha ha), and while it's sort of happening, it's also one of the most frustrating things ever. No one has any idea just how difficult and complicated this thing has actually been. Meanwhile, it's become, "Why is it taking so long?" and "Can't you just _____________" and so on.

A couple of weeks ago, I discovered some mistakes and guess what I was told?

"Just make something up...."

So yeah, when I asked ...and said, "This doesn't seem right....are you sure about these things?" the response was that it was "too much work to fix it" and for me to just make something up.


I have *no idea* what possessed these people to think that I could do this, when no one else would go near it...but there you have it.

In the meantime - I'm mad, stressed out, and I feel like throwing things.

Has anyone else experienced this? Being handed a project that no one else would go near, and then have everyone else around you complain about how long it's taking and at the same time, refuse to help out at all? Where the project turns out to be way more complicated than anyone realized at first (which they probably did, which is why no one would touch the thing)....

What do you do when someone asks, "Can't you just ___________" and you want to scream, "Well, why don't you try it then?"

Excuse me while I go out into the backyard and throw some things....