Hello ladies! Let's get rolling on the North Sound outlet mall meetup. We have previously decided on the date Saturday November 7th; there will also be a shopping day in Seattle the day before, on the 6th, for the out-of-towners flying in and of course any other locals who would like to join.

Here is a link for the mall itself, if anyone wants to check out the shops:

I highly recommend that we carpool up to the mall from breakfast; parking is always full up there even though they have an enormous parking lot.

As far as breakfast beforehand, I think I need to get a better idea of how many will be attending before I can suggest locations. Everett itself tends to work best for smaller groups; if we're willing to go an extra 10-15 minutes further out from the freeway (downtown Everett is, like, right off the freeway) there are better larger-group options as well as better food options (I'm thinking particularly of a great little place in Snohomish). But I know that is more inconvenient to those driving up, which is going to be almost everyone but me, so I will leave that up to those attending

So! Let's start by polling for attendance, and then once that's more sorted we'll work out breakfast. I will continue to update the thread, posting all new relevant information both in the body of the thread as well as here at the start.

Attending (7): Aida (+1), Firecracker, CocoLion, Dashielle, Cerinda, Angie

Maybe (3): Beth (+1), Christy


The Vintage Café
1510 Hewitt Ave.
Everett, WA 98201

Time: 9:30 am