You know, I am considering to order Tall from US as well while they have 35% sale on: as their original price was $40 less than Canadian 35% will be less that 40% I got yesterday. The only caveat is that I need to drive to the border...but seriously tempted.

I would try it, Sveta. I am hoping tomorrow I get some time to really compare sizes. I know driving to the border is a pain and you are short on time these days, but also, you might kick yourself if you cannot compare.

Sveta, just FYI if you need to order the tall online, I don't think you'll get the discount. It's very annoying, women's blazers are apparently excluded from most promos online only. Gah! This is why I went chasing this jacket down in store yesterday. But if the store you go to does not have your size, they can have it shipped from another store to your address and then you do get the discount. I'm not sure if the talls are online only though.