Following my Keep/Sell post on this recently thrifted blazer ( it was felt a few more modern stylings should be shown to get a true feel on the fit and style of the blazer and whether or not it should stay in my closet. My outfit in the K/S thread was sadly lacking any "oomph" so here are a few stylings illustrating how I would wear this blazer.

So what do you think about the blazer after seeing these outfits? Does it stay or does it go?

#1-3: TR Cameron slim BF jeans with fully buttoned crisp white shirt and Doc Marcie boots.

#4-5: TR Cameron slim BF jeans with fluid navy/white wide pinstripe shirt with white collar and blue suede booties.

#6-7: Silky black textured trousers with ink blue hi-low light knit sweater and black patent Ara booties.

#8-9: B44 dress with blue suede booties.

#10-11: INC tiered dress with blue suede booties.

#12: white JS sized up skinnies, Gap white sweater and python booties.

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