Look who came to my neck of the woods this week! After work this evening, I picked Diana up at her hotel and attempted to take her on a fun Florida outing. That was a disaster - after crazy traffic, malfunctioning phone GPS (aka human error) and a long phone call to my husband for help, we ditched the Disney touristy thing and went for a nice quiet dinner instead. I had such a wonderful time getting to know Diana and hearing all about her interesting life! And she was every bit as stylish and sweet as her posts and interaction on this forum show her to be! Of course a lot of you already knew that before I did. So it probably goes without saying that we were talking too much and having too nice of a time to stop to get great photos, but we did manage to grab a quick selfie and talk a valet into snapping another one as I dropped her off back at the hotel. I am so happy to have met my second fabber in real life!! Thank you so much for a wonderful evening, Diana!

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