I'm pretty good about applying facial sunscreen before I do my makeup in the morning, and when I'm out and about I do my body, but I've yet to come up with a way that I can re-apply sunscreen every two hours to my face when I'm out. I'm going to London UK in September and will be outdoors a lot with the sight seeing and want to try and find a convenient way to handle this.

Any ideas? I don't generally use powders because my face is more than 50 now and powders just age me. I'm in Canada so some options will be limited, but I'm more interested in *how* you wise ladies handle this issue. My idea of just forgetting about it (so I don't mess up my makeup) is not going to fly with a lot of outside time.

Going without makeup is NOT an option, I'm not 20 or even 30 or 40 anymore...LOL

So wise ladies, what say you?