I have this Marc New York leather jacket from Angie's 2012 NAS picks: http://shop.nordstrom.com/s/ma....._5OyFkb8SQ and I love it, but the leather has a musty scent.

It's been that way from the beginning (i.e., it's not the result of storing it in dampness or any mishap). At first I thought it was just a strong "new leather smell" and that it would fade, but that hasn't happened. I've hung it outside on breezy days, put it in the sun, I've misted it with Pure Ayre http://www.thepureayrestore.com/#home , I've spritzed the lining with my perfume, yet this heavy mustiness persists. Whatever hangs next to this jacket in the closet picks up the same scent.

My question is: will professional leather cleaning address this problem? Or must I give up on this coat? I don't know how leather cleaning works -- if it's just a surface "wipe down" I doubt it will help, but maybe it's more immersive than that?