I think it's funny for adults but would not wear it to a children's event. Too creepy. Ana's x-ray idea would be ok, I think.

I'm no help because I think it depends on your personality and the situation. Some people enjoy being a bit shocking and amusing at Halloween, and, if your friends skew in the same direction, your sweatshirt could be a hit. On the other hand, if you feel self-conscious wearing it and you think others might think it tacky or offensive instead of funny, you might choose something different. Personally, I'm on the fence; it made me smile, but I can also see why your husband may not have liked it.

Cute. Especially in a region where they celebrate Dia de los Muertos.

I'm not a fan, but not because I'm trying to be the arbiter of taste. I'm giving my reaction since maybe some others will have the same--just as some YLF'ers think it's great.

For what it's worth, I never thought the US images during my pregnancy were "cute"--even though I'm in a medical field. I thought they were kind of ghoulish and I much preferred visualizing the whole fetus/baby development with all the skin on.

I think visually it does overlap with grimacing dead baby, since skeletons on Halloween typically represent the dead, and not just "here's what we look like alive when we're under Xray. "

So, it may just depend on how "safe" you want to play it. Agree not so good for kiddies--more of an adult party item. But it's not a huge deal either way.

I honestly thought it was an x-ray at first. Maybe go with what Ana said to be on the safe side.

Better yet, pose it to your DH and see what he thinks. A cute costume is not (usually) worth marital discord.

I love Halloween, and I have a very dark sense of humor. I also feel like at any given moment someone is going to be offended by anything that you might wear at any given day, and that usually isn't a reason to change what you're wearing.
This startled me when I first saw it, and I don't really care for it, but I don't find it offensive. Virtually no one will find this sweatshirt offensive. But the people who are offended are going to be terribly hurt, and could possibly be reminded of something they really would rather not think about it.

It's just got so many weird associations for me (yeah, I'm probably an overthinker)--I hadn't even thought of the fetus x-ray and now that's disturbing me! Even more because it's smiling!

Mostly, though, you say you wouldn't wear this in front of your friend. However, you have no idea of the backgrounds of the other women you would be in contact with. However slight, there's the risk of upsetting them based on something you'd have no idea could have happened.

I just think it's easy enough to come up with some makeshift costume....because people categorize babies/fetuses so specifically, this one is too dicey IMO...

I agree that the whole idea of Halloween is ghosts, ghouls and scary things. If THIS is offensive to some people, how do they feel about characters from horror movies? Zombies? Monsters? Heck, kids at my children's school wore masks that looked like they had blood running down them, and my own son went as the headless horseman last year. This is the nature of Halloween, IMO. The sweatshirt is casual, appropriate and even fun, IMO. I like it.

Natalie, for our office Halloween celebrations, to take full advantage of my 8 mo preggo belly, I went 10 steps further and stuck doll arms in a tank top over my belly to seem like baby arms sticking out. There were definitely some naysayers but I got amazing reviews for my effortless costume! I was Dr. Honeydew Bunsen from the Muppets after an experiment gone horribly wrong. It was part of a "Muppets - where are they now" theme our department was doing.

Even kids who came in later in the afternoon for candy thought it was funny. Of course, I did ask parents' permission to keep the arms on when the kids came in and nobody really seemed to mind. Maybe I'm just a little weirdo.
Don't ban me from the forum please!

I don't think most people are going to view it as an x-ray - that's not what Halloween skeletons are. If you're questioning it at all, perhaps it's best not to wear it.

If you won't wear it in front of your friend, then you have your answer...don't wear it at all. There are a ton of easy costumes out there. Heck, just wear a black dress and pick up a witch hat. Voila!

I think it's perfectly appropriate. It just looks like you're having a little fun with your pregnancy on Halloween. I've lost a baby too and this doesn't bother me at all.

Thanks everyone for your input! I didn't expect it to be so controversial! I did end up wearing it, but only briefly in the evening. I didn't wear a costume during the day when I took DD to her school Halloween parade--I didn't want to unintentionally offend someone. In the evening we went to a friend's house for a party and our whole family dressed up in an underwater theme (DH was a scuba diver, I was a mermaid, DD was Princess Ariel and DS was Nemo fish). It was raining so after we went trick-or-treating we were all wet so I changed into the sweatshirt. I knew my friends at the party wouldn't have a problem with it. They said they liked it and that it was cute. DH said he still didn't care for it, but didn't mind if I wore it. DS was patting my tummy and talking to the baby in a baby voice saying "Hi Baby! How are you? That's a baby skeleton" and giving the skeleton kisses, so the kids loved it. The problem is, now that Halloween is over I can't wear it out of the house, so I'll just have to wear it as loungewear and maybe pass it on to someone else next year.

That sounds like a good compromise, GP. I'm glad you got a chance to wear it.

I'm late to the party but I think its cute and glad you got to wear it for a little bit! I like the smiley skeleton