I am.

In fact, I try not to wear black at all - unless it's with lots of white, in a pattern or with brights. (I do love wearing my black ankle pants with black ankle strap animal print pumps though. And my black Tokyo suit comes out to play when it needs to). I also prefer to wear a non-black top with white jeans at the moment, which was not the case last year.

The skirt in this outfit I wear quite a bit because I actually keep on thinking it's ink and cream. I guess I am intentionally in denial.

It's just a stage I'm going through with my style at the moment. It will change in Oct when I am back to wearing my very favourite wardrobe essential of all time - a black turtleneck - with anything.

Parsley, I am high fiving the comment you just made on yesterday's ensemble post:

"I like all these pieces, but I find myself shying away from black these days, which is a real departure for me! I think I’d have to add a fair amount of white to these in order to feel good for summer".

Over to you.