Do you keep shoe boxes?

For some time I have kept all of my original shoe boxes. I would display in season shoes and store the out of season shoes in their boxes. This helped me know what I had when it came time to switch things out. When I moved into my apartment, my shoe boxes took up every inch of room between the upper shelf and the ceiling. I realized soon that the look of this was making me very unhappy. I especially hated using prime storage space for empty shoe boxes, since only about 5 boxes had shoes in them (sandals).

At first I thought I had no choice--there was certainly no other place in the apartment for the boxes. But the unhappiness didn't go away, so I called in DD2, an organizing guru here from NC for the holidays, for a consult.

She said:

1. She believes in having all items of clothing out all the time.
2. In Los Angeles, there's going to be less of a need for switching things out seasonally.

I realized that I've already gone to #1 for my clothes, simply because there's no place to put my summer dresses or tees, other than my closet or bureau. And that she's probably right about #2.

So I threw away all the boxes that belonged to the shoes I had out. I kept the boot boxes--not ready to ditch those. I also kept the boxes that had sandals in them (baby steps). If I decide I need to put shoes away, I will get those plastic boxes, which perhaps will line up nicely and make me happier!

Does anybody have a plastic box system?