A few weeks ago, I saw some cropped black patterned trousers on sale from Monsoon. I'd really wanted to try patterned trousers after Angie's post on them a little while ago. I'm a classic pear shape so I was looking for something subtle. The black on black dots seemed perfect and I didn't own a pair of cropped pants. Just now, after reading Angie's body shape guide, I saw that she says that cropped trousers are the least flattering for a pear shape.

I quite like these trousers and I'd be disappointed if I've accidentally made a fashion faux pas. It's too late to return them, but what do you think? Are they unflattering? And if so, what's the best way for me to still enjoy them? (Other than accepting my hips will won't look their slimmest haha).

Below are some of the outfits I've made with them since I bought them.

1&2: semitucked top to help lengthen the leg line
3: with a trench coat which ends mid thigh
4: with a belt and tucked top

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