Best of luck, I will definitely miss your posts. Sneak back to YLF when you hit the wall from studying

Good luck from me too! We will miss your colourful and beautiful outfits.

You look fantastic! Best of luck with your studying!!!
You look fab, as usual!

How was the movie?

And best of luck with the Bar Exam!! We'll be here when you need to put your head up for a little air!!
pulling for you! you will be fab. come post if you need a break from the books.
Good luck! We will miss you!
You look gorgeous in these colors. How was the movie?
Good luck on the bar exam! I am sure you will pass with flying colors. Which you wear beautifully in this nautically inspired outfit.

You look sensational! I will miss your gorgeous posts, and wish you luck on the exam!

A People United Will Never Be Defeated. I think I can say with confidence that those of us at YLF, The People, are behind you and support you. Remember that as you study and slog through those three days. You will KILL that exam!!! [And yes, my formative years were during the '60s/'70s. ]
Day, I will miss your outfits like crazy. Like this one - yowsa, it is super! Did you do that sidecar bun on purpose to be very futuristic for Star Trek? I love it!

Best of luck on the bar, and I bet with your incredible mind you will leave it in the dust! Till later when you unleash your creative genius on us once again!
JulieJohn - I did not think about the side bun for Star Trek but that's a great observation. I did it because I thought it was cute.

The movie is worth seeing. It's predictable but finding out the identity of the villain(s) is unexpected. It's probably fantastic in 3D but the fight scenes tend to drag out in 2D. I like the storyline but I think I'm a little odd because my favorite character is young Spock.
I will miss your smashing outfits but best of luck studying and passing! Pop in when you can!
You do look pretty in this outfit! Pretty amazingly awesome, too! Good luck on your studies, and on the exam!
You look great, and best of luck to you. How exciting, and I know you will be glad to be done with it!
Stunning outfit! Wishing you luck on the bar exam.
You look absolutely gorgeous - stunning smile first of all that really catches our attention, and you also look as cheerful as the cheery colors that you are wearing.

I wish you the best on your exam!

I just saw the film today and really enjoyed it. Good thing to do when you need to take a breather.
great outfit!! good luck on the bar!!!

You are going out with a bang! And I'm sure you'll come back with an equally gorgeous one. Another stunning outfit from you. Best of luck with your studies. You'll be missed.

You look stunning DV! I love the fab brights with your white jeans.
I wish you lots of luck for your upcoming exams; and you will be missed round here.
I just wanted to wish you the best of luck and I hope to see you back soon. You will be missed!
Best of luck, DV! Will miss seeing you on the forum but will look forward to seeing you return!
You look so fab as usual! Love the color combination. We will miss you. Good luck with the bar exam and pop back in when you can!
Best of luck with your Bar exam DV - I just know you're going to do well

Of course we'll miss your fabulous style but we'll be waiting here for you when you come back.
Whoa! Smashing!

Elle-power to you for your bar studying ;>
Rachy-- only you would make a Legally Blonde reference :-D. I love it!
Two things (well really, three):
1. Your outfit looks incredibly fab, as always! I am going to miss you on the forum, but boy, oh boy do I understand. I once told a friend who called me in early July: "Yes, I can talk to you. However, you have to understand, I am studying for the bar right now and I believe I am certifiably crazy. This conversation, therefore, can never be held against me." Bar study is crazy stuff.
2. Don't you know that RED SHIRTS and Star Trek are a recipe for trouble!
3. Good luck on the bar. It is unbelievably crazy making and challenging and terrifying. However, if you study hard, you should pass. It isn't life or death. And get ready. When you were just a law student, you were adorably and hard working and wonderful and everyone loved you. When you are a lawyer, not so much. You were a lion cub. Now you are becoming a lion. Good luck! You have all of us rooting for you!
We'll miss you Day Vies. Wishing you lots of luck with studying and the bar exam!! You'll do fantastic!
Good luck on the exam!

Good luck to you. I remember when I took the bar the day I signed in I just kept repeating to myself, " I can leave if I want." over & over. It seemed to help.