When I was cleaning out my closet, Mo suggested a method of folding she uses for her dresser drawers. It came up because I have had so many items on my shelves that when I reach for one item in a stack, the rest come tumbling down. Eventually, I have to refold everything. It's a nuisance. It's also clear that when athletic gear is stacked like that in a drawer, you can only see the top items in the pile and that is what gets used, not the items at the bottom.

Mo showed pretty pictures of her neatly folded items stacked vertically in her drawers so everything could be seen. When everything is seen, hopefully everything is used. I loved it so much that I decided to do it myself. What do you think? May not be as neatly folded as Mo's, but it's a start.

Pic 4 is a before shot. Pic's 1-3 are afters. A bonus is the 1/2 drawer that was left empty when I was finished. No eliminated items, but more free space!

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