Beautiful! I love the warmth of your natural colour and the depth. It's lovely on you! The length is also great. Must feel wonderful to be achieving the goal.

You look amazing in both the skirt and the dress. I love how the pale blue specs work with the dress. Makes me think of a blog post of yours, of yore -- pale blue and red.

Your hair looks fabulous! Such pretty color and waves! Perfect with the pretty glasses.

Great outfit too. I always feel too dressed up in skirts but you make it work so well. I guess that is why you are the expert

Your natural hair color is beautiful and I love the length. It's so inspiring to see your outfits.

Your natural hair color has long fringe, so look fab! I LOVE the waves. Cheers for spending less time in the salon, chair!
Oooh……your skirt! Flat out gorgeous!

Thank you for the awfully kind words! Sorry to rush off, I have a deadline.

LOTS of sublime natural hair colour and texture inspiration on YLF! I'm in good company.

Jaime, you are right! 4 months without a haircut during the first pandemic lockdown wasn't as bad for slow growing hair like mine. Your hair is always a smashing hit

Suz, it does feel good to finally reach my first hair goal! Many left to go. And light blue is versatile! Dress twinsies too...

Yay!!! Your hair is looking gorgeous, Angie! It took a lot of patience, but so worth it;-)
Really loving your natural hair colour too, and brilliant that the skirt alteration was such a success. I love this outfit from head to toe, the RL cable-knit sweater is such a perfect fit!

Your hair look fabulous! And I love your skirt!

Your natural hair colour & texture is lovely, @Angie I'm getting my hair cut tomorrow too, thinking of having my fringe put back in.

Also your tailor did a great job with the skirt - I would have thought such a style would be close to impossible to alter, but it looks like yours has talent. Hold onto him/ her tight!

Inge, thank you sweet friend! Tried to duplicate the white cable jumper and of course - it's sold out

Brooklyn, glad Queen Skirt likes of my skirt!

Zaeobi, show us a pic of your hair tomorrow! Exciting. And yes - the skirt was difficult to alter. Lots of new darts were inserted in just the places. Nice job.

Angie - Ah that's a shame. But I have a feeling RL brings out something similar each year? So hopefully you can "duplicate" next Spring. xxx

Beautiful colour and beautiful waves Angie! We sport almost the same length (my hair is a bit shorter). I am also growing a short pixie but at this length my naturally wavy hair is very indisciplined!

Your hair looks great and I love that skirt, it's gorgeous and as always your styling is perfection!

Inge, you're right! Will replenish next year.

Sisi, waving at my curlier hair twin. I bet your spunky curls are fab!

J.P., thanks for the gracious words

Your hair looks fab. I may check out the spray that you suggested.

Have you also found your hair is healthier without the dye? Mine has really rebounded and is much less dry and frizzy.

Thanks, Joyce! Nice to see you chime in.

cat2, generally, YES. Although my hair was very short when it was dyed, so it was easy to keep looking and feeling healthy. But my longer almost dye-free hair does feel and look healthy. It's soft and bouncy. Hubs Greg remarked on that, actually

See why you are enjoying your hair , Angie. Lovely color! The wavy extra length adds motion and interest, complimenting your always polished style. Fun to mix it up!

Eliza, that's sweet! Yes to fun to mixing it up. Change is good, and I needed a change

Late to this, but I really like your natural color, and longer length suits you too, it was worth the wait. And outfit is great - would wear it myself gladly.

This is a change but so you. Very cute and fun. I love the outfit too.

Thanks so much, anchie and Joy! I can either of you in the pink skirt outfit