As others have said, it varies. Sometimes, I won't be on here at all (if life is just too busy with other things). Sometimes, it's 15 minutes in the morning and 15 minutes at night. (I may be signed in but not here as I stay logged on.) Other times, I'll be here for a couple of hours of concentrated time, and mostly, I pop in and out as a break from work, so I might read one thread, comment, and then leave, returning later when I get another break.

Im on SSD, so Im home most of the time and this place has been a Godsend to me...the kindest, most supportive forum around, imo. Quite often I just lurk/read the posts, but try to comment if I feel I can add a thought, or sometimes if I have just a few minutes I'll make a quick comment.... I spend probably at least an hour, maybe two (split up) most days, if I dont have running around to do- which Im trying to cut to 2 days a week- I just get too worn out. Nights and weekends, Im hardly on at all, cuz DH is home and wants to either be on the computer or talks constantly while Im on it, which drives me crazy....I know this isnt the OP that dealt with the issue, but wanted to say how sorry I am that you are going thru this with your DH and really hope things smooth out, so you can spend more time here. I think 15 minutes a day is unreasonable, hopefully when the issue calms down, he'll be more realistic and understand this is important to you and that you deserve to spend quality time (not unlimited, but enough to do what you want) here with your friends who really care about you

I'm on throughout the work day. The nature of my work is that I'm either full-out "on," or I'm on a break. I get a fair amount of YLF time if it's a slow day, maybe none at all if it's a busy day. Say an average of maybe an hour a day, including lunchtime. Hubby travels a lot and when he's not home I can spend another hour or two or more in the evening, as well. (I will admit to occasionally having YLF open on my laptop while watching TV in bed -- it doesn't get any lazier than that!) When he's home I try to dial it back to, you know, less than "every waking moment."

I think 15 minutes a day is unreasonable.

I try to limit myself to 1/2 hour in the morning and then check in later in the day. I used to spend alot more time, probably and hour or more but I have had some other family commitments that have made that impossible lately. Mom has had some health setbacks and I have tried to do my part. She lives an hour away so just the drive back and forth eats up precious time in the day. I really miss it when I can't fully participate, but realize that it would be impossible to keep up with everything if I did that all the time. And that's ok.

I'm on about 1/2 hour in the morning, a little more if I post a WIW. I usually have YLF open on my computer at work, which makes it look like I'm on all day, but I pop in and out for a break. At home in the evening, I also sometimes leave the screen up, but then am not even around - like last night when DS and I took the dog for a walk. So I'd say maybe an hour a day. Less on weekends when we are out and about. But if you looked at my history it would look like I was on here 24/7!

I like to check the blog post in the morning with my coffee. Then I may run out and return mid-morning to respond to the blog and other posts that catch my eye. If I have down time, I love to catch up on posts. When life gets really busy, I may not have a chance to YLF, but I find that during the day, if I am waiting in line and have a few minutes, I will check in.

Sooooo, sometimes no time (really busy) and up to say 2 hours/day. It's such a great connection for me, I feel like something's missing if I can't at least check in.

I am so with mrseccentric, I have no TV, this is my entertainment! However, I know I can spend 1.5 hours on average and that is JUST reading the latest, and throwing quick comments at you all! If I were writing the long posts that you, GoldenP, write, I would be here for twice that! So, I think 15 minute will never do. I, for one, love your thoughtful and articulate posts and comments to otehrs and would hate to see those disappear. This is a social network and even if we never meet, having others to share an interest and a hobby is good, but what is better is people to care about you and want your best, and feel your pain with a 'somebody' who does not understand or is threatened by a very innocent interest. From Shannon to you, it is sad to see this interest of ours turned into a crime by people who have their own issues to get over. I say you need more time. But I understand how hard it is in a marriage so you can know we support you in any decision you make!

(been there, done that)!

Well I'm not going to kid myself. I spend hours every day here, less when hubby is home, but when he's on a trip and the kids are at school or doing their own thing, it's a great place to hang out. I've never been part of an online community before and I feel as though I'm in a kind of interactive fashion school! I love the analytic and creative outlet it provides me since I don't work outside the home. I do try to keep my life in balance and if a family member mentions that I'm "always on YLF" I'll close my laptop, smile and try to give them my attention. I don't think I'd be able to do much besides lurk if I only had 15 minutes a day on the site.

Natalie, 15 minutes is not reasonable. Try 30 minutes, twice a day for a week, and see if that's feasible. Habits form in 30 days, they say. So try it for a month, actually. Also, try to take your photographs when DH isn't home, if possible. It will annoy him less if he doesn't see you doing it.

Like others have said, my time here varies according to my daily plans. When I'm home, I'll log in and may spend an hour or two checking up on threads and responding...then I'll realize time has flown madly (!) and I'll close the window until later in the evening. At night, I may spend another hour or two. And I rarely photograph myself and post! It's crazy how fast time is gobbled up - but I enjoy it, and it's my choice. When SO is home (he often works late, til 11 pm), I'm on the forum much less. So for me, on average, I'd say I spend about 3-4 hours per day here!

I probably skim Angie's post in 5 min; and read it for 10 min if it's something I'm really interested in ... and a few 5 minute sessions throughout the day.

Probably a couple hours a day, but in installments of a few minutes at a time over the course of a workday. On weekends, it really depends on what else I'm doing.

I know that 15 minutes a day would be too little for me, even if I had not posted a WIW or a question and was only reading and replying to other people's posts.

I'm still waiting for my job to start, so I have lots of free time. I'm probably on about an hour and a half a day. Sometimes the posts just won't move me that day and I get in and out in under 15 minutes (hello floral pants lol) but if I have a topic or look I'm quite interested in, I find myself checking back in every couple hours throughout the day. I am also not much of a TV person, so I browse while the BF has sports on (like right this minute). Also guilty of leaving the screen open while wandering off like Alaskagirl.

Oh, I forgot to say that I'm also guilty of being logged in all day, but only checking the site while on a break from work....

I'm an on-and-off kind of person. If things are really hectic IRL, I'm on 0-10 minutes/day. There have been times I have not been on for months

Recently I check in a few minutes here, a few minutes there, when I'm waiting for something to happen at work for example, or taking a break.

It takes me longer than 15 minutes just to take a picture of myself and post it!

Truthfully,as much time as I can afford. Some days it is next to nothing and on others a couple of hours.

I would say on average 30-45mins. a day. Usually in the morning with my coffee and after the kids are in school.

Some days, I can be on for a couple of hours.

Somewhere between 30 min to 2 hours, depending on my day.

When I'm on probably from 30 minutes to 3 hours spread out across the day, and am rarely on YLF at home in the evenings but that is when I do my outfit photo editing/blogging. I have chunks of down time at work, which is usually when I hop on and read/respond to a handful of posts at a time. I read quite quickly, which helps

We have three computers in the house and I pretty much my own laptop for my own stuff like YLF and Pinterest, etc. so I will leave it open and jump back and forth if I am taking a break (or honestly not working if I am bored - I am not a TV watcher).
I'd say 30 minutes a day is reasonable but not counting your picture posting (that probably does not take long? Go with the quickest way and not the big montage thing if it's faster).

You could read every single thing some days and that would take 2 hrs easily but some days the board seems slower. And if you even try to catch up on things later on, forget it time wise

It depends. When my workday is slow, or I'm working on a case which I have a good handle on, I will spend a lot of time, I'd say 1 to 3 hours a day. I do get sidetracked with old posts a lot, so at times it would show I'm online, but I'm probably somewhere else, reading old stuff. On times when I get busier, such as now, I would check in the morning and evening, with very little time to post.

There are some days I don't check in at all (and for awhile I didn't have internet access except one or two days a week), and occasional days when I end up spending an hour to an hour and a half. I do most of my shopping online, so if I am shopping online I might spend more.

I have some days where I have quite a few hours that can't be used for anything productive because of symptoms/fatigue from my health issues. I often spend that time online because it makes me feel productive to be reading and "researching".

The biggest suck for me isn't reading posts because I am an excellent speed reader, it is replying. I have a ton of ideas, but I tend to get frustrated because most of my YLF time isn't when I am mentally very sharp and the mind fuzz from my health problems tends to impede my communication skills. So, I try to pop on, read a whole bunch of posts, and then shower/do chores, ect. so I can formulate what I want to say. Then I pop back in and write for 5-10 minutes.

Most of my YLF time is the time between other tasks throughout the day.

When I was in a different situation I did what others have said and spent 15 minutes with my coffee and breakfast in the morning and then 15-30 minutes in the evening when I am unwinding.

I read and comment in the morning with my coffee until I feel ready to get up and work out. I am on and off here and there throughout the day when I need a break from whatever I am doing (like preparing for a house full of Passover guests). Internet is my tv.

Probably 3-4 hours most days, especially as there's usually a tab open if I'm online at all. And I'm online for at least 12 hours a day anyway! Though YLF time can drop to a max of half an hour all told when I'm travelling on work with my laptop (like now); and to zero when I don't bring the laptop (which is usually the case for me).

Who cares! I work hard. My life is in some semblance of order. I also need to do things that get my mind off work or whatever else troubles me and that help me deal with stress. This is one of those things.

One big chunk...2-3 hours daily morning and evening. Infact, the first thing and the last thing I do in office after opening my pc and before answering official emails, reports is YLF and same in the evening.