I had a moment yesterday. My blazers and button-down orders came in. I am actually really happy with the fit of the button downs compared to everything I have been trying. I will have to take the waist in, but otherwise it was nice.

The blazer quality was pretty dismal, with the shrunken blazer being better quality but not as nice of a fit. The fit on both wasn't that great.

Still, I popped on the deep pink button down with the black very plain blazer over it. I looked in the mirror and suddenly I looked and felt like myself. Instantly I felt like posing instead of just standing there and was completely comfortable. My face suddenly made sense-- it made my sort of masculine features seem like they belonged and made my feminine features stand out. I think it was the masculine relaxed look plus the feminine color and more fitted shape (waist!).

I felt the same way about the Miz Mooz Nash oxfords (menswear inspired) I received earlier in the week in contrast to my ankles (feminine).

I generally don't care for menswear inspired pieces as I find they are often too "inspired" and not enough "menswear" with the shrunken fits and fussy details. I think this is because my body is feminine enough to provide that contrast.

The menswear stuff can just be fitted and even maybe a little slouchy so long as it has a nice shape. I love more feminine clothing as well, but have been finding that it has to be very very fitted/borderline tight to really show off my figure. The same amount of relaxation in those clothes makes me look matronly.

It makes sense with my personality too--- I am not girly.

Now I am looking for a dark grey/charcoal blazer in a fitted menswear style, maybe in a nubby or tweedy textured fabric that won't make my shoulders look huge. I also am on the hunt for a pair of trouser style or wide-legged slacks.

I also have to figure out how to wear my pencil skirt. I do love how it looks on me and I feel comfortable in it, but I have yet to find a top to wear with it and a way to make it feel like "me." Unfortunately nothing that isn't super slim wants to tuck into it without bunching, but it definitely needs something tucked.

Have you ever had a moment/clothing item/style that makes you just feel like yourself, at home in your own skin?