I was trying to assess whether the gorgeous white linen tunic I saw at the second-hand shop is worth the asking price. As a rule, I think the item is worth the amount I'm willing to pay for it, but I think this particular shirt is priced too high for the second-hand item and, heavy hearted, I am letting it go. It's an unknown to me Italian label, maybe I should look it up, it's beautifully fluid and long (almost a mini dress on me), but the price tag is way too high.

Actually, I had a look around and have noticed the stuff is generally quite pricey at that store. Certain things from certain brands I recognise are only 30-40% cheaper than the similar new things from the same brands. Mind boggling. The store is privately owned, it's not charity shop, maybe that plays a role.

This got me thinking. Although I haven't bought anything second-hand in a while, I love the idea of buying second-hand as a cheap(er) way to try something different and experiment before the real splurge.

  • Question - What are your experiences and thought processes in determining what a good deal for the second-hand item is?