Interesting conversation on AskAManager about wearing a suit to a business casual workplace:

Most commenters feel pretty strongly that you shouldn't 'dress up' especially at first or you will be perceived as out of touch or snooty. I tend to agree at least at first thought...

Here in Silicon Valley, there's not only a casual culture, there's a
phenomenon that if you're important, especially in tech companies, you
prove if by (intentionally or not) ignoring your wardrobe altogether and
dressing in old t-shirts and holey jeans. Of course, there's a gender
component too as tech has been and still is a male dominated field, and
then there's geek culture which can suggest caring about appearance at
all is superficial and shows you're shallow and not intelligent.

Angie has talked about 'environmental norms' at work and elsewhere over the years. I'm starting to think that one of the things that has most changed in the modern workplace is that "dress for the job you want, not the job you have" is outdated advice and in fact could be counter-productive. I'm wondering what everyone else thinks.