catch a glimpse once you are out and just dislike everything? It has been happening to me a lot lately. Mostly when shopping I guess, because other places I'm less likely to run into mirrors.

I'll get dressed and feel fine about my outfit, hair mostly behaving, makeup looking decent and off I go. Then later I'll catch my reflection and my hair looks frizzed, makeup too much or not enough and my outfit just not looking nearly as good as I thought. Do I have magic mirrors at home or something? Are the store mirrors...or maybe lighting...designed to make you look harsh? Or is it just that I'm comparing my outfit to the shiny new store things? Or I've slipped in to critical mode because I'm evaluating how things look anyway, to decide whether to buy?

Whatever it is, it's depressing! And it makes me doubt my judgement to buy new things, because I'm the one who bought the things I'm now criticizing!