Amy, you are brilliant for putting these collages together! And an afternoon of browsing fashion sites definitely is not wasted time.

I see lots of bright yellow in both boards, as well as a polished edgy look. I know you can pull off any look you want, by tweaking it to your own preferences, and the more you wear something the more it will become second nature. I have had to modify certain inspiration looks to suit my body type or style, but that is what creating an individual look is all about. Think of it as altering a pattern to suit YOU. I know that's an area of expertise for you!

And I can't tell you how lovely it is to be mentioned as anyone's idea of a style inspiration... I am still in the woods myself most days.

Hi Amy --

I am such a sucker for the style persona threads, and you have a great set of photos for this!

Though I only did the Cliff Notes version of it, I think you might enjoy the Style Statement book and its exercises. You can really go off the grid when it comes to naming your style* and yet IME/O it does a great job of keeping people focused when buying or combining.

[There are some StSt threads kicking around YLF.]

I'm repeating some of what other members' said upthread, but I in both your favs and your inspiration photos I see:

-- (in thinking about common elements) lots of streamlined shapes, bold use of color, a comfort level with print/pattern/texture, and retro silhouttes or touches

-- (in thinking about if X then Y) comfort having one "attention grabber" (in terms of color, texture, print, or detailing in clothing or accessories) while the other pieces stand back/support

I know the above aren't adjectives, but if they resonate maybe they will help you think of what adjectives describe a person who likes/does the above.

If nothing else, wanted to share that I think there's a certain level of consistency to your style already -- and that it will be fun (for me/us, anyway!) to watch you continue to use your tailoring skills and gut to finetune your preferences!

* or "styles" if you are a cheater like me

Una, if you're in the woods, then I want to go camping, lol

Vix, thanks for sharing your thoughts! You're helping me achieve some clarity about where I want to go in the future and what's worked in the past.

Great collages and great exercize. I too am trying to define more clearly my style persona and hope to get through the style statement book on my flight trip home. To me your aspiring collage looks a bit more modern and trendy. The prints are a bit more classic ( like stripes and polkadots). I think you are attracted to a combination of romantic, vintage but also trendy, hip and classic at the same time. Have fun discovering and experimenting!

Posh Eclectic is a pretty good title. I'd call you very "Berkeley Hills." Pretty preppy, actually, but minus any smarmy snobbiness.

Of course, if you *were* Berkeley Hills, the smarmy snob snits should rightly be replaced by snits of navel-gazing self-righteousness. Haha! Get to work on that, girlie!

(Yes, I've been exiled to the next town over...)

Wow, I was linked to this from a comment on Angie's blog - just wanted to say it's very cool. An excellent, non-verbal way to capture your style and style goals!