If it's not broken, don't fix it, right?.

Posting almost the same outfit may be unnecessary, but today's outfit is interesting to me because it's all about wearing (my) classic outfits with updating the pieces.

Which is why I'm wearing different style of jeans than in 2011. Boyfriend style would probably be more current, but skinnies are one of my staple clothes and the most significant change in the way I dress after joining YLF. (Plus, it's still boots time here and skinnies tuck into boots so much better )I still remember the confusion how to style them, but they soon pushed bootcuts - which were my go-to style - to the back seat. I do wonder whether I'll warm up to any other style of jeans this much, I guess you'll be the first to know ;-).

Another change you may notice is that I've taken out the red belt. Somehow the older outfits seemed too busy, loud and cluttered, and since I created the initial outfit around the hat, that's what determined which red detail stays now.

Finally, side-by-side of black and red belt outfits, both skinnies and bootcuts. What I figured out later is that i could have experimented with swapping hats too, but although there are no photos I take away that even with so few pieces and very subtle modifications, the outfit vibe changes enough to keep things interesting.

This is the last outfit of the challenge which had been interesting for me and through which I learnt a lot yet again. Thank you for your time and I welcome the comments.

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